This beautiful bear Rose was rescued from the YMCA charity shop in Truro and will be on her way to foreign lands as part of a craftster "Little Visitor" swap. She'll be having advetures somewhere else, while our family gets a little visitor all of our own, who we can take out on dog walks, to the beach, to weddings, bbqs etc.. When our little visitors return they go home with a scrapbook of everything they did, which sounded just awesome to me. 
Rose has collected some shells on the beach
However, getting Rose's biography ready for her trip has been put on the back burner.. Whisky got very muddy and had to have a bath. He hated every minute of it, but look how fluffy he is now!
Someone's had a bath
A bit too fluffy actually, he's going to need a hair cut very soon, the weather is heating up and I can see him panting a touch on walks, and seeking out the shade. Bless! If only he wasn't such a scaredy cat dog!
When did that happen? March has sprung up on me and we're heading towards a beautiful summer, Whisky is turning out to be a mischevious little poodle. He has chewed post, slippers and rolls of tape. He has finally started to eat out his bowl, but never the first time round, and then looks around like he's starving after he's finally got to the bottom of the bowl. I'm upping his exercise from 45min-1hr a day to 1 1/2 hrs minimum, this doesn't include the multiple times he's out chasing his ball, or pouncing on burnt chips. I start lunch time shifts at a local pub next week, I've told them 4 hrs max, but I will have to be up super early to give him enough exercise to get him relaxed when I go. I'm thinking 2 hrs of walk if I'm off to work, or I need to buy a bike pronto and get him running alongside me. Who'd have thought such a small 6 yr old dog could have limitless energy. 
Don't be fooled!
In the world of craft, my sky blanket is coming along nicely. I decided to use March as my chance to learn how to follow a knitting pattern, but still stick to just knit and purl. I found the perfect one here and even though I had to frog around 10 times, I'm finally getting the hang of following a pattern, and it's progressing nicely now. Yay!
So February didn't turn out quite as beige as I thought it would. We even had a solid 6 days of brilliant blue sky - albeit it was FREEZING the whole time! 

5 rainy mornings, but that's ok. My garden is missing the rain, it's March and my garden is bone dry!

8 peeks of blue and 9 overcast days, 
February's Sky Blanket piece.. reads right to left!
Oh, and here's Whisky's impression of a rabbit
I've been distracted away from the internet...
Except to look up anything vaguely poodle, dog training, dog separation anxiety, and rescue dog advice related. Ain't he cute?! He's called Whisky and he's all ours :D Don't you love his monkey eyes? His paw pads are soooo soft, and his hair smells beautiful. 

I did find some time to have another go at making a sourdough loaf, and it went great! I'm SO HAPPY with the holes in this one, it's held it's shape really well, and the crust is incredibly crusty! I've been reading up and it turns out sourdough starters are incredibly temperamental, so I just gave it it's own time. The first rise happened overnight, and we had bread for lunch.
One last thing, make sure you check out my new ATC page on the website. It's got loads of pics of little Artist Trading Cards I've made and received from crafters around the world.